Friday, April 29

If Belle's Library Were Mine, I'd Probably Never Leave

You cannot ask me to go to the library without picking something up for fun.  It just won't happen, not if I have all of five minutes (and haven't somehow left my library card behind).

This week, I went to the library and left with two books for fun.  I was really trying to limit myself (well, I do have a half dozen books I bought after Christmas that I've been waiting to read for over three months).  This week's winners, hailing from the teen section, are The Cloud Chamber by Joyce Maynard and The Lost Years of Merlin by T. A. Barrow.

I was just browsing the shelf, not looking for anything in particular, and I thought, "Hey, I wonder what would be around where my books will (eventually) be shelved?"  And that's when I saw a familiar name.  My own.  Maynard.  But I don't know who Joyce is.  Still, long lost cousin or not, the writeup on her novel sounded interesting.  It sounds like a mystery.  Young Nate is juggling many (pre)teenagery things: baseball tryouts, a science fair project, tree house plans, and a girl who likes him.  But even with all that swimming in his mind, he can't get his mind off of the day he came home to the police surrounding his house, his dad bleeding and arrested, and his mom shivering.  And that's what I got from the back and inside covers.  Sounds like a fun summer read.

Merlin, I picked up because I didn't want to only take a book that bears my name.  I know that sounds silly, but it's true.  I took it home, though, because it also sounded interesting.  Merlin when he was young; who knows what kind of mischief and cool things he could have gotten into?  Also, I've recently seen the first episode of Merlin, which plays off of the same thing.  So, yes, I was intrigued by the different take.

I love libraries.  Now if I can just make sure I have time to read.

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