Monday, March 19


Some mourning takes place in public. Some mourning takes place in private. Some mourning takes place in silence.

Mourning won't last long if the thing wasn't that important. It won't take long if the loss wasn't that great.

I wanted breakfast at the Braums. I got there fifteen minutes too late. I was looking at the breakfast menu, trying to pick an option, and the lady at the register told me they weren't serving breakfast anymore. But I didn't want lunch. It was too early, and I wanted eggs. That was emotionally disappointing, and I passed on all food, just getting coffee.

I was also some sleep deprived and stressed, which made it harder to process the "loss" of what I had hoped for. But, really, it was what my granny used to call an "oh well." It was small potatoes. It wasn't long lasting. It was just eggs, and I'd already eaten some cereal at home. I'd just wanted more to eat. Oh well.

But when the loss is a dream, a deep desire, a long nurtured wish, losing it, or (in some ways worse) giving it up, the pain runs deeper. Owl City says dreams don't turn to dust, but I've known more dreams crumble to powder than I care to count. Often, I no longer want to make or hold onto dreams, because I figure they'll just be heartrending losses down the road.

I used to be such a happy person. My reason then for not dreaming big was that I simply didn't know what to aim for. Now, I fear cynicism taking over. I fight it, but I know it's creeping up on me a little more with each disappearing desperate dream. (Sometimes I catch myself pondering if Christians should even have dreams and big aspirations...but that is another layered can of worms for another day and perhaps place. Let's have coffee sometime.)

When a dream is lost, I'm left empty. I wonder where the pieces are and how do I pick them up. Someday I'll figure out what to do with them if I can ever gather them all without dropping them through my fingers.

I mourn quietly. I brush it off around others. It's not worth your time. I'll process through. But sometimes a quiet whisper of, "I've been there, and I know this hurts," would soothe my soul.

Sometimes it's okay to hurt. Pain and loss isn't fun by any means, but it is something we face, and it shouldn't be shunted to the side.

But in the meantime, I'll stay quiet. It's safer to hurt without salt near the cuts. It's safer to wipe my own tears than risk scratchy fingers or long nails on my face. It's safer to bleed internally.

Sometimes mourning takes place in silence.


How do you mourn a dream? What do you do to pick up the pieces and make another one?


Saturday, March 10

Jumbled Jungle in my Brain

One would think that, being a writer, when I'm under the weather I would write a lot, or at least read more. Alas. Yesterday, I sat all day and repeatedly employed the equivalent of the neti pot's cousin. I couldn't even focus enough to read the library book I have on Kindle. (Although I am excited about my newest novel that I've started. I'm seeing what happens when I pit an assassin and a pacifist as antagonists.)

But today, feeling more human than yesterday (and yesterday was an improvement on Thursday), I'm back to reading and am quite enjoying the continuing saga of The Ranger's Apprentice. Right now, I'm in the midst of book nine, Halt's Peril.

At first I was not happy with the change from the Ranger's apprentice being just that, an apprentice, to being a full-grown, graduated Ranger himself. Not to say I didn't want that to eventually, someday, at-the-conclusion-of-the-series happen, but...well, I expected it at the conclusion of the series. Not five books into a series of ten or so books.

But, I adjusted, and I quite like them all being grown up. Especially since the characters still work together most of the time. I would recommend, however, that if you like to read stories in a chronological order, read book seven, Erak's Ransom, before five and six, The Sorcerer of the North and The Siege of Macindaw, respectively. You'll enjoy more suspense that way.

And, for my Kindle, I'm excited. I just bought a skin and cover that came all the way from Hawai`i (...squeee!). I've got to go there someday. The cover is what I needed, but I bought this particular bundle for the skin. Pink plumeria flowers. Yay! A nice decoration without causing distraction while reading: perfect.

And, yes, I haven't forgotten that I still owe pictures of my reading nook (note: that's not an ereader, because I have a Kindle). I've been using it, so it is a little mussed from when I originally finished (and it looked gorgeous), but it's still very functionable and reasonably clean. That's the goal, after all.

...I'll never have anything spotless.